Tuesday, October 21, 2014

3 major components making up exposure: shutter speed, aperture, and ISO

The camera is basically a useful tool for capturing the light through the camera sensor. Light entering the sensor eventually translated into an image. If the light received by the camera is less, the image will be darker (Under Exposed). Conversely, when light entering into the camera excessive, the picture will be too bright (Over Exposed).
Exposure is the amount of light that enters and is received by the sensor in our camera in a photo shoot, of course, need the right camera settings to create an image with good exposure, unfortunately most people after buying a digital camera fixed on the auto mode. Instant auto mode is the most easy and rapid to use because we do not have to bother setting the camera, but this does not give you the satisfaction of creativity.

For those who want to "Move Up" out of the auto mode and want to channel the creative spirit into the photographs produced, it helps us understand the concept of exposure.

decreased, standart and increased exposure

A famous photographer Bryan Peterson has written a book titled Understanding Exposure which also explained the concept of exposure is easy. Peterson members illustration of three elements that must be known to understand the exposure, he was named the relationships between the three as a triangle Photography. Each element in the photographic triangle is associated with light, how light enters and interacts with the camera.

These three elements are:

  1. ISO - the measure of how sensitive the camera sensor to light 
  2. Aperture - how big open lens when the photo was taken 
  3. Shutter Speed ​​- the span of the 'window' in front of the camera sensor is open

the exposure triangle
The interaction of these three elements is called exposure. A change in one element will result in a change in the other elements. So, to make a photograph with a good exposure, you need to create a composition which is also good, especially the composition of the three elements above (ISO, Aperture, Shutterspeed).

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Panning Technique

jogja cornering, panning teqnique f/5.6, exposure time 1/50 sec, iso 200

Panning is a photography technique for shooting a moving object by means of moving towards the camera in the direction of movement of the object to be photographed so getting photos of moving objects sharp and bakground are blured. This technique can be used to photograph vehicles that are running, a bird in flight. etc. Although it seems trivial, but you need to practice to get good photos of moving objects, you should be able to move the camera in rhythm with the movement of a moving object.

Panning foto Exposure Time 1/20, Iso speed 100, F/5
location: std Maguwoharjo, Sleman, Yogyakarta

panning (photo the move object)

So how good panning photo that moving objects look sharp?

    1. Set your camera to Shutter Priority mode (TV) 
    2. Manual focus mode, the focus setting is continuous (AF-C or AF servo) so that the object is always locked with a sweet and tangy though the distance between the camera and the object changed  
    3. Set the shutter speed between 1/30 to 1/8 (adjust the object motion, it needs a lot of trial)  
    4. Find a moving object that will be used as photo panning (suggestion: find a background color - colors that blur the background more aesthetically appealing)  
    5. Do not use a tripod, because the camera must glide to the rhythm of the movement of moving objects 
    6. point the camera at the object, camera movement as gently as possible to follow the movement of an object, push the release button halfway to lock the focus  
    7. when our hands are already moving sirama with objects, push the release button fully to take the exposure 
    8. repeat for other moving objects in order to take our hands are getting trained in moving the camera.
    JOGJA Cornering
    Panning foto Exposure Time 1/50, Iso speed 100, F/5
    location: std Maguwoharjo, Sleman, Yogyakarta

         okay good luck :)

      Wednesday, October 15, 2014

      Hides a Secret Message Into File

      illustration of steganography techniques
      Steganography is the art and science of writing hidden messages or hidden messages in such a way that besides the sender and the recipient, no one knows or realizes that there is a secret message. The word "steganography" comes from the Greek Steganos, which means "hidden or covert", and graphein, "to write"

      on this occasion the author will give an example implementation of digital steganography techniques, I will demonstrate to hide an audio message into an image file.

      That you need to prepare:

      • Create a folder (the folder name is up to you) here the authors make a folder with the name of steganografi
      • Prepare a file that will be the hider media messages, (the authors use an image file named vector.png)
      • Prepare the message file to be hidden, (the author uses the message audio file extension .mp3)

      If all ready follow these steps:

      1. Select both files you have prepared (file messages and media file to hide the message)
      2. After both files selected right click and select add to archive

      add to archive

      3. Give the name of the pesan> Select rar format Click the OK button


      4. create a new txt file in the folder steganografi

      add new txt document file
      5. txt file and edit the following script input
      "@echo off
      ren pesan.rar pesan.mp3.rar
      copy /b vector.jpg+pesan.mp3.rar hasill.jpg"
      scripts to merge files STEGANOGRAFY

      6. Save the file with a name up to your proficiency level, but make sure the extension bat, and save as type all files

      save as .bat

      7. bat script executable file that we created earlier

      run as administrator
      8. Once executed will appear a new image file format jpg
      9. to prove hasill.jpg please right click open with winrar

      open message STEGANOGRAFY

      10. You will see two files are tucked in the image file hasill.jpg

      message file steganografy
      11. we just double-click the file to open the message content of the message.
      12. please send the file hasill.jpg to the party you want to give the secret message.

      Thus steganografy tutorial may be useful